



  1. Admission to the Army Public School Shillong is granted subject to the student’s acceptance of and compliance with all prevalent school rules in the form of a signed undertaking to this effect.
  2. All home assignments must be done regularly.
  3. Students must be punctual and regular. Rs. 5.00 per day will be levied as “Fine of Absence” if no leave application is submitted. The student’s name will be struck off the rolls if he/she is absent for one month at a stretch without grant of leave.
  4. A minimum of 90% attendance is necessary for any student to take the Final Examination to be considered for promotion.
  5. Any student caught resorting to unfair means in an exam/test, will be awarded ‘zero’ mark in that subject for the first time and is liable for expulsion, if repeated.
  6. Students are expected to comport themselves in a manner befitting the status and sanctity of this institution. A student is liable for expulsion from school on any of the following grounds:
    1. Posession or consumption of alcohol, smoking/chewing tobacco, chewing gum or ingesting any illegal substance defined as narcotics or psychotropic under law.
    2. Stealing and ragging
    3. Displaying rowdy or unruly and delinquent behavior.
    4. Quarrelling/ indulging in violent/disruptive behavior.


Ref Article 269,270,271 & 272 of AWES Rules and Regulations
Article 269 – Dos.
  1. Be respectful to your parents, teachers, staff of the school and elderly citizens.
  2. Be punctual.
  3. Be neat and clean.
  4. Be honest, upright and truthful.
  5. Be co-operative and exhibit team spirit for positive attitude and conduct.
  6. Have and maintain exemplary behavior and show respect for the feelings of others.
  7. Be patient, tolerant and secular.
  8. Take pride in yourself, your school, your parents and your Nation.
  9. Be courteous. Remember “Thank You” and “Please” are two very good words.
  10. Be thankful to God for everything that He has given to you.
  11. Believe in yourself and have courage. Remember God is with you always and everywhere.
Article 270 – Don’ts
  1. Do not cause hurt by your words or deeds.
  2. Do not be afraid to speak the truth or to accept a mistake.
  3. Do not damage or disfigure property of your school or at home
  4. Do not use abusive language.
  5. Do not look down upon those who are less privileged, weak or physically challenged.
  6. Do not ill-treat animals or birds.
  7. Do not mock or ridicule on someone’s failure.
  8. Do not pass castiest, anti-religious, or racial comments.
  9. Do not be arrogant.
  10. Do not copy or cheat.
  11. Do not steal.
Article 271 – Forbidden Practices
  1. Do not cause hurt by your words or deeds.
  2. Do not be afraid to speak the truth or to accept a mistake.
  3. Do not damage or disfigure property of your school or at home
  4. Do not use abusive language.
  5. Do not look down upon those who are less privileged, weak or physically challenged.
  6. Do not ill-treat animals or birds.
  7. Do not mock or ridicule on someone’s failure.
  8. Do not pass castiest, anti-religious, or racial comments.
  9. Do not be arrogant.
  10. Do not copy or cheat.
  11. Do not steal.
Article 272
  1. Anybody found indulging in forbidden practices will be liable to strict disciplinary action.


All employees and students of the APS Shillong are prohibited from causing any sexual harassment to women including female employees and girl students. In order to prevent sexual harassment against women, by promoting gender amity among students and employees and to deal with cases of discrimination and sexual harassment against women (if any), in a time bound manner, Army Public School Shillong has constituted Sexual Harassment Committee consisting of the following five members.

  • Mr Rajeevan P (Principal)
  • Mrs Rachel Ragina Cyriac (PGT Psychology)
  • Teacher
  • Male Capt
  • Female Capt


Discipline, safety and security of the students are utmost concerns of Army Public School Shillong. In order to develop and promote a positive learner spirit and culture; create a safe atmosphere for child so that he/she can grow and develop positively, the school has a Discipline Committee who generally investigates the allegation of serious misconduct (if any) by a learner presented or submitted to the Principal of the School in writing for consideration.

At present the Disciplinary Committee of the school consists of the following members:

  • Mr Rishiraj Choudhury
  • Mr Santhosh Kumar MS
  • Mrs Nivedita Paul

Our Address

Army Public School Shillong
HQ 101 Area
Labasee line,
PO -Umlyngka, Shillong Meghalaya - 793005